Monday, 30 July 2012

Butterflies & people in religious and emotional despair by @1MaxMalik #SUFP #goodread

This the review that was originally posted on the Amazon website, unfortunately they're not allowing me to post the links:

"The Butterfly Hunter" by Max Malik 

This book is beautifully written with many passionate descriptions of the people, their senses, language, food and locations. It takes us across several continents on journey in search of right and wrong, faith and extremist, love and corruption.

Normally I read Sci-fi and pop-crime/action/war thrillers. Despite all the deaths and violence "The Butterfly Hunter" is much more of a political religious romantic story that really digs into the souls and thoughts of the characters and provides an understanding for what drives them and others to the extremes, that we're all faced with in real-live today. We get much more of a vivid insight to the minds of extremist masterminds, than the government agencies who are working against them.

Coming from a very save upbringing in the countryside of my native place of Denmark where there was no pressure to join or follow any faith, if at all. The descriptions and quotes from the Quran was very new to me, and more so the whole ideology surrounding it and how its message was used for making terrorists and peace keepers out of the same mould - and not unlike how most other religeous bible and scriptures are used today.

NO! We are made to, even forced to understand and think about the fine line between practising faith and enforcing terror. It is fascinating to follow the conversion of two people; one a white middle class young woman, and the other; a drug dealer, pimp and bad son into something new. Which I (you) the reader had to decide whether one liked or disliked.

And in the end, extremist or not, it turns out that we're all human.

The book can be found on  Amazon here:


If it had not been for chance meeting with the author Max Malik earlier this year, I would never have had the enjoyment of finding his book. He took part in a series of videos to encourage more dialogue.
You can see some of them here:
How Powerful are British Pakistanis?
Part of the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office competition: Speaking up for Pakistan: voices from the UK:

1 comment:

  1. I read this book a while ago and it really captured my attention. I'm glad to see it highlighted here.
